Collins Fund Application Form


Girl Guides of Canada-Guides du Canada (GGC) recognizes and values the richness of human diversity in its many forms, and therefore strives to ensure environments where girls and women from all walks of life, identities, and lived experiences feel a sense of belonging and can participate fully. This commitment to inclusion means GGC's culture, programming, and practices encourage self-awareness and awareness of others; room for difference, and environments where girls and women feel safe, respected, supported, and inspired to reach their potential. To assist in reducing barriers to membership development and growth and to further GGC’s inclusive programming and practices, BC Council has made the Collins Fund available to all units/districts/areas.


To be eligible for assistance through the Collins Fund, the request must:

  1. Be consistent with GGC’s Mission, Vision, Promise and Law.
  2. Further GGC’s inclusivity and accessibility policies.
  3. Be approved by the Area Council as evidenced by the signature of the Area Commissioner(s) on the application form.

Sample Application Purposes

  1. Specialized equipment for a girl to participate in unit activities.
  2. Care Aide funding.
  3. Inclusivity training for unit guiders.
  4. Mental Health First Aid training or similar trainings.

Collins Fund Application Form

5/6/2024 2:45:31 AM